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The IT Role in Best-Run Midsize Companies

Recent shifts in IT’s commitment to customer centricity, engagement, and employee productivity distinguish best-run midsize companies from their competitors.As companies continue to adapt to the digital economy, they are looking for new and more efficient ways to drive revenue, empower employees, and respond to customer needs. By embedding data and analytics-driven decision support and decision … Continue reading “The IT Role in Best-Run Midsize Companies”

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How Critical is the Digital Platform for Midsize Organizations?

The digital age has created a new level of complexity for every established business around the globe: accelerated change, new business models, consumerization of the workplace, and the explosion of available data are creating unprecedented business opportunities β€” but also huge competitive and operating challenges. Midsize firms are typically more resource-limited than large firms, but … Continue reading “How Critical is the Digital Platform for Midsize Organizations?”

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How To Become An Insights Driven Business

Most companies today realize that they can’t build a sustainable business strategy based on intuition alone. Data is needed to help guide decisions based on facts rather than guesswork. Most mid-sized companies have vast pools of data available to them, but the trick is learning how to use that data effectively. However, just using more … Continue reading “How To Become An Insights Driven Business”

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