Offering Azure, Salesforce, AWS, and SAP Cloud Services
Eliminate the need for physical or technological infrastructure

Cloud solutions are on demand solutions – software, analytics, servers, storage, databases etc – that are delivered over the Internet, or the Cloud. Users typically pay only for cloud services they use, providing cost, operational, and infrastructure efficiencies by making these solutions available on demand. Some of today’s most popular solutions are Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Salesforce, and SAP cloud services.
Saberpoint offers ours customers freedom, scalability, and flexibility with the ability to provide each of our solutions in the Cloud with hardware, software and information resources on-demand. Simply put, whether you choose Azure, AWS, Salesforce, or SAP cloud services, you connect to the Internet and get full access to your applications, servers and data.
Benefits of Cloud Solutions
Access your data and applications over a secure and cost effective online network connection
Saberpoint works with our customers to realize the following benefits from a Cloud deployment or migration:
- Reduce infrastructure costs – There’s no need to spend big money on hardware, software and licensing fees
- Leading solutions – Saberpoint partners with offerings from all leading cloud providers including Azure, AWS, Salesforce, and SAP cloud platform services (i.e. SAP Management Services)
- Improve accessibility – All you need is an Internet connection!
- Globalize workforce – Employees and partners can access the cloud easily
- Get more flexibility – You can scale up, scale down, change or try out new ideas without major expenses
- Streamline processes – Get more work done with less people
- Improve security – Forget worries about losing laptops, apps and crashed servers with confidential data
- Optimize IT costs – By making the most of our pay-as-you-use pricing model
Cloud Computing Types
Work with a cloud deployment that fits your needs
Saberpoint supports various kinds of cloud deployments depending on the specific requirements of each customer. We can help you determine whether Azure, Salesforce, AWS, or SAP cloud integration is the best option for you, and what sort of cloud you need:
- Public Cloud, which is owned and operated by a third party provider and accessed over the Internet
- Private Cloud, which is owned by our customers, and typically hosted in a third party data center. The services and infrastructure are private and for the exclusive use of our respective customers.
- Hybrid Cloud, which is a combination of Public and Private Clouds that share applications and data, with each being leveraged for very specific applications aimed at optimizing workloads and cost to meet any industry or regulatory requirements.
At Saberpoint, we understand your need to focus on growing your business, which is why we provide cloud options for all the solutions in our portfolio, as well as the ability to migrate any of your existing data or applications to the Cloud.
If you have questions about Azure, AWS, Salesforce, or SAP analytics cloud deployment, please contact us today.
Get in touch
We see your challenges as opportunities to grow. Let us take a thoughtful look at the issues you are facing, and we'll go over your options together.

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